Hey dudes, Linh is writing to you from the sky! 🤩 – from an altitude of 10700 metres to be more precise.
I am heading towards Asia in a 12-hour trans-continental flight, which will take me to Hong Kong 🇭🇰, probably one of the busiest transport hubs in the world. The in-flight entertainment provided by Cathay Pacific is quite great so far, compared to that in my flight from Vietnam to Finland 6 years ago.
That’s why we love technology: it makes life exciting, innovative and convenient. Imagine 6 years ago I had to sit for long hours, being detached from the whole world on Earth just to solve Sodoku to get rid of boredom 😂. Now happy to stay connected with Wifi, watch BBC live, and see the journey map updated minute by minute (and through this you can learn geography). Also, passengers can now have different views from the plane by live cameras. Awesome!
The cabin crew from Hong Kong are so charming 😉 I love Hong Kong and the Cantonese language very much. But it is quite funny that as a habit I keep saying ”Kiitos!” (thank you in Finnish) to the meal caterer. She doesn’t understand but still smiles 😅 Gorgeous!
Now about to have lunch. Let’s fill the stomach before absorbing new technology :))
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